Assassin’s Creed is a beloved video game franchise that has been around since 2007. The series initially gained a reputation for its engaging gameplay, intriguing storyline, and impressive historical accuracy. However, in recent years, the series has faced criticism from fans and critics alike, who argue that the quality of the franchise has declined. In this article, we will explore the ways in which Ubisoft has ruined Assassin’s Creed franchise and what can be done to restore it to its former glory.
The Overuse of Open-World Design
One of the biggest issues with the Assassin’s Creed franchise is the overuse of open-world design. While the open-world environment was initially a hallmark of the series, it has now become a tired and clichéd mechanic. The focus on creating huge, sprawling worlds has come at the cost of the quality of the gameplay, story, and characters. The series has lost its sense of identity, and the games now feel more like generic open-world titles rather than Assassin’s Creed games.
One of the unique features of the Assassin’s Creed franchise was its commitment to historical accuracy. The games were praised for their attention to detail and the way they brought historical periods to life. However, in recent years, the series has strayed away from this focus. The historical settings are now just backdrops for the generic gameplay and have lost their significance. The series has become more focused on spectacle and less on the historical narrative, which was the heart of the franchise.
The Poor Quality of the Narrative
The Assassin’s Creed franchise was initially praised for its engaging storyline, which featured complex characters and intricate plotlines. However, in recent years, the quality of the narrative has declined significantly. The series now features one-dimensional characters and simplistic storylines that are predictable and unengaging. The series has lost its edge and has become just another generic action game.
One of the more recent developments in the Assassin’s Creed franchise has been the overreliance on microtransactions. The games now feature a range of in-game purchases that allow players to buy items, weapons, and other upgrades. This has led to accusations that the series has become “pay-to-win.” The focus on monetization has come at the cost of the quality of the gameplay and has turned many fans away from the series.
The Need for Change
In recent years, the Assassin’s Creed franchise has become a shadow of its former self. The series has lost its focus and identity, and it is in desperate need of a change. Ubisoft needs to go back to the basics and rediscover what made the franchise so popular in the first place. This means focusing on quality gameplay, engaging storytelling, and historical accuracy. The series needs to move away from the tired open-world design and recommit itself to being a true Assassin’s Creed game.
The Assassin’s Creed franchise was once one of the most popular and respected video game series around. However, in recent years, the series has lost its way. The focus on open-world design, the lack of historical accuracy, and the poor quality of the narrative have all contributed to the decline of the franchise. The overreliance on microtransactions has only made things worse. If Ubisoft wants to restore the Assassin’s Creed franchise to its former glory, it needs to make some serious changes. It needs to rediscover what made the franchise so popular in the first place and refocus on quality gameplay, engaging storytelling, and historical accuracy. Only then can the series regain the respect of fans and critics