Unlike Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West has a much broader world and introduces a number of new cultures, and also reprise familiar ones. This PS Orignal follows Aloy’s journey of the post-apocalyptic Earth, which has been destroyed by a fatal disease, aggressive mechanical beings, as well as those who survived.
In this article, we’ll take a look at every Horizon West Tribes
1. Carja
In both the Horizon West titles, the Carja tribe is a highly evolved and strong living clan. The Carja had long ruled amongst their neighbors as the world’s biggest, best evolved, and also most sophisticated clan. Their civil war sprang out as a result of a power struggle.
The Carja’s backstory claims that the clans were among the final tribes to leave the “Savage East,”. The very first Sun-King of the Carja was a bloke named Araman, as per the Carja scriptures. An antique manuscript, known as “the Leaves of the Old Ones,” was found in an abandoned castle by Araman, which included guidelines for sun monitoring and devotion.
2. Quen
The Quen is a previously undiscovered clan hailing from a place close to Western Pacific. This tribe is more knowledgeable about the Old Ones even more than Oseram, and they deliberately seek for wrecks to solve the mysteries of the past. One other notable fact about them is Quen’s are the only people in the Faro Plague that have access to Focus gadgets at all.
Even yet, they were able to develop cutting-edge technology, defense, weaponry, as well as a flotilla of vessels that enabled it feasible for them to reach the western coast of the United States.
3. Utaru
The Plainsong area is home to the Utaru People. Plainsong’s meadows are poisoned by a crimson bloom, causing the death and resurrection of all living things. The Utaru chant songs in an attempt to ward off the plague, however, the scourge continues to grow worse in the face of their prayers.
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As a result of the Utaru’s lengthy agricultural heritage, the 8 Plowhorns that preserve the lands are venerated and worshipped by the inhabitants of the area. Greens are central to their people’s ideology, which recognizes all creation and existence must eventually halt and also that the loss of flora may be the answer for a fresh start.
4. Oseram
Because of their skilled blacksmiths and artisans, Oserams are widely renowned for their metal as well as lethal weapons. Relative to certain other cultures, they possess a higher level of technical sophistication. Several Oseram citizens, notably Erend, are overheard bragging about the Oseram’s pragmatic workmanship as their finest accomplishment. Unlike other tribes of Horizon West, Oseram is solely the ones capable of forging their very own materials.
There are no Oseram settlements outside of Daunt Valley, but this hasn’t prevented different excursions from going westward to learn the mysteries and technology of the ones who came before.
5. Tenakth
The Tenakth territories are located west of Plainsong. Tenakth is made up of three tribes, each of which has a violent past, holding to a tenuous truce. Each of the 3 Tenakth tribes in Horizon Forbidden West is ruled by one of these three families. Mechanical and human insurgents known as Regalla are threatening the Tenakth.
Members of Tenakth tribes are taught to be fighters, and they build larger family groups by looking out for the offspring of their deceased comrades. Tenakth seldom survives beyond the age of 30 due to the hard country as well as a constant battle.
Tenakth are known for their aggression and hot-bloodedness, although this is tempered by a deep level of dignity and devotion.