Apparently, the Saints Row series is in trouble, according to reports. Despite Volition’s best efforts, the series’ recent difficulties may have eventually caught up with the Saints Row titles.
Although the Saints Row series was once seen as a rival to Grand Theft Auto, gamers soon realized that the series’ absurdist tone was quite unique from Rockstar’s more somber product. The craziness of Saints Row increased with each new installment, until the series eventually became completely unhinged. Despite this, the franchise was able to establish itself as one of the top open-world games of all time, garnering a large and loyal fan following in the process. In response to criticism that the games had become too out there, Volition tried to welcome the absurdity in subsequent installments (with variable degrees of success).

With the financial and cultural failure of the Saints Row revival, it has been announced that the series may be cancelled. People panned it for having archaic visuals, shoddy gameplay, and terrible narrative. Saints Row: Gat out of Hell, released in 2015, was the franchise’ last installment before the remake. Once again, this was panned by reviewers. Saints Row 4, released in 2013, is often seen as the moment in the series when it “jumped the shark.” Others may not be shocked by this development since they believe the brand has not witnessed a stellar season since Saints Row 3 was released in 2011.
It seems that the problems with the Saints Row revival have caused IP proprietor Embracer Group to reconsider how they approve video games in the future. Saints Row’s existence is in serious doubt after the firm’s disclosure, in its Q3 2022 earnings statement issued a few of days ago, that the lackluster success of console and PC games has caused a shift in strategy and “every project needs to prove its right to exist.” However, it appears like fans have already made up their minds, but it would be a pity to see the franchise go away since Grand Theft Auto deserves some competition. The relaunch of Saints Row didn’t even sell as well as Grand Theft Auto 5 a month after its debut.

Not long ago, many people were concerned about whether or not the Saints Row remake will include downloadable content. In light of recent events, this is now a remote possibility at best. It is unclear what Volition will work on next if the property is taken away from them. The company’s most recent release outside of the Saints Row series, Agents of Mayhem, was widely derided by critics. The Red Faction franchise, on the other hand, has been idle since 2011. It’s probable it’ll strive to resurrect its previous glory in order to secure its future.