Aiming correctly is just as important as using abilities correctly in Valorant. While Valorant offers unique agents and their unique utilities and abilities, precise aiming remains the most important skill in the game. From finding the perfect sensitivity to mastering passive and mechanical aim, we will cover it all for you.
Practicing is everything in this game; anyone can become a professional with practice. Here are the top 5 tips to sharpen your aim accuracy in Valorant.
Top 5 Tips To Enhance Your Valorant Aim Accuracy
5) Finding Your Perfect Sensitivity
Your sensitivity settings play a major role in enhancing your aim accuracy. Perfect sensitivity can significantly boost your gameplay. To find your ideal sensitivity, head to the practice range and spawn a single robot. Try aiming at its head while moving from far distances. Keep adjusting your sensitivity settings (positive or negative) until you can track the robot’s head perfectly as you move.
4) Mechanical Aim and Passive Aim
Mechanical and passive aims are two different things. Mechanical aim means moving crosshairs accurately from one point to another point. It requires a lot of practice and muscle memory to ace it. Playing a regular deathmatch can improve your mechanical aim gradually.
Whereas Passive aim (also known as crosshair placement) can be only developed through game sense. This is where you need to keep your crosshair(at head level) where you expect the enemies to come, allowing you to make cleaner and better headshots.
3) Don’t Overtrain Yourself
Yes, training is essential, but overdoing it can be harmful. Overtraining often leads to fatigue and other bad habits (related to your real-life health problems, sometimes mental), which might take a lot of time to fix. Instead of overtraining in Unrated or Competitive, try practicing aim while using only sheriff in Deathmatch. The sheriff is the most useful gin as it is most precise in aiming for headshots.
2) Jiggle Peeks And Precise Aiming
Aiming is not always about crosshairs or practice. It’s about your mental aspect, too. Your mental aspects, like how fast you react and adjust to enemies and situations, define your shot accuracy as well. Also, learn “jiggle peeking,” this will help you gather all the vital information without revealing much of your body to the enemies or getting shot. Jiggle peeking is considered to be one of the most important tricks in FPS games like Valorant.
Also Read: Top 5 Tips And Tricks To Rank Up In Valorant!
1) P.R.E.M.S Method
P.R.E.M.S.stands for P stands fo Practice Bots, R for Recoil Control, E for Easy Bots, M for Movement and S for Strafe. Go to practice rande and follow these steps, and you can gradually watch your aim improve. To understand where you went wrong while shooting, you can always get help from Aim trainers like AIMLAB. AIMLAB helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses to track your progress and failure.
By following these top 5 tips, you can enhance your aiming skills and gain a competitive edge. With practice and dedication, you will be able to refine your aim accuracy and will be able to secure more victories, and will be able to ACE the matches with ease.