Edgerunner is a Cyberpunk web anime series that is based on the RPG game Cyberpunk 2077. The game was developed by CD Projekt Red and the anime series was developed by Japanese Studio Trigger which was then released on Netflix in September 2022.
The recent Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update includes the memorials as a tribute to the Edgerunner crew. This touched the hearts of a lot of attention from the fans of the game as well as the anime series.
The memorial reminds me of what happened to most of the characters of Edgerunner. However, this one is not the first easter egg in the game but it seems to be more emotional and heart-touching than others. To know more about the memorials, keep on reading the article.
What are those memorials and where to find them?
In order to pay honor to the Edgerunner crew, several memorials were included which are located in the Columbarium. These Edgerunner crew included David Martinez, Gloria Martnez, Rebecca, Pilar, Dorio, and Maine. The Columbarium is located in the Westbrook District on the southern slopes of North Oak. The player can either reach there by driving according to the far right area on the map or by using a Fast Travel Dataterm.
Upon reaching the Columbarium, you would be able to visit the memorials that were created by Lucy. She was the last member of the Edgerunner crew. At first, you would see the memorial which was dedicated to David Martinez, the main character of the Edgerunner crew. He went through many body changes which changed him from a young boy to a legendary figure in Cyberpunk 2077. It is situated on the right back side of the Columbarium. There was also a writing which goes “You didn’t take me to the moon, but you were there with me.”
The next Memorial is dedicated to Gloria Martinez, mother of David Martinez. It is situated right below David Martinez’s memorial at the bottom of the Columbarium. Her memorial tablet carries a message saying “You were right, David reached the top of Arasaka Tower.” She wanted her son David to get to the top of Arasaka’s tower through his education, however, that did not go through her plans. However, David did fulfill her mother’s wish by climbing the Arasaka’s Tower.
The third Memorial is dedicated to the crew member named Rebecca. It is marked by the Edge Runner logo and is situated in the middle path of the Columbarium. The memorial shows her Headphones that she used to wear every time and shotguns. Moreover, apart from the memorial one of her shotguns is also available for the players in the game. She was one of the beloved characters of Cyberpunk Edgerunner.
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The fourth and last memorial is dedicated to Pilar, Dorio, and Maine. They were known as the famous trio in Edgerunner. It is situated on the left side of the Rebecca’s Memorial. They were the characters who first brought David into their group. Lucy had a special bond with them so the memorial plate of this memorial says that they were the only family of Lucy.