One of the main selling aspects of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is its incredible variation in regards to how gamers may play the game. Due to the lack of regular usage, most Skyrim players prefer to focus on optimizing individual stats that favor a specific playstyle, choosing to leave many other stats under-leveled. Nevertheless, one gamer has recently maxed up every single stat the action RPG has to offer.
There are several ways to tackle quests in Skyrim due to the game’s open-ended structure. Typical Dark Brotherhood missions call for the player to murder another NPC in order to complete them. Because the particular approach is not specified, the player is given a great deal of freedom in this regard. Though, given Skyrim’s incredible degree of freedom, and hence the number of stats available, maxing them all out would be a daunting task.
Skyrim player i-am-not-fish shared a video showcasing his accomplishment of leveling up all of the game’s stats to 100 on Reddit. The user estimates that the process consumed 600 hours of playtime time. One can only imagine the amount of patience and effort required to accomplish such a feat.

A tribute to Skyrim’s user community is the fact that such many players have been able to achieve new and interesting things in the title over time. In light of the fact that it has been over a decade since the previous mainstream Elder scrolls game was published, The Elder scrolls 6 has a lot to live up to for veteran Skyrim fans.
Skyrim’s early lifespan was bolstered by extra material that extended on its plot and gameplay, as has been the case with most contemporary games. Hearthfire, Dragonborn, and Dawnguard were all released within the first year of the game’s release by Bethesda in order to expand the game’s world and storyline.
Even though a few of the add-ons were not well received, Skyrim’s additional DLCs and material kept the game in the news. The title was once again front and center in 2016 with the release of the Skyrim Special Edition that combined every available update to date.