Riot Games has been working on Project L, a fighting game based on League of Legends, for several years. Attendees of EVO 2023 have a fascinating opportunity: they will be able to play a demo build of Project L. The demo will include champions like Ahri, Darius, Ekko, and a surprise fourth Champion that has been revealed.
This article will discuss the reveal of the new champion that will be playable at the EVO 2023 booth. The upcoming champion is a brand new addition to the three champions already present.
Who is the fourth mystery champion for Project L?
Riot Games dropped a brand new trailer for the upcoming champion on their Youtube Channel. The champion is no one but everyone’s favorite samurai, Yasuo.

The video revealed that Yasuo retained some of his signature moves, one of them being Wind Wall which will block opponents and projectiles. The champion will feature a variety of moves including air mixups and ground harassment to make their adversaries’ combat miserable.
Along with his abilities, it seems like the game will stay true to the full name of Yasuo, that being Yasuo, the Unforgiven. The video further mentions that he will be able to switch between stances making his moves versatile and unforgiving. He will also have a lot of technical air combos which players can choose to use.
EVO 2023 is currently going on at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Yasuo, will be one of the four champions available to play there. The tournament will be going on till August 6, 2023. Riot Games has cordially extended invitations to anyone interested in playing a demo of Project L.
Turns out Illaoi was not one of the champions that was rumored to arrive in Project L, much to our speculations. The video further mentions the abilities and moveset of the other three champions including Ahri, Ekko, and Darius.
Read More: Project L to be playable at EVO 2023
It’s important to note that Jinx and Illaoi are currently undergoing active development. We can expect them to release at launch.