Genshin Impact is known for its gameplay, characters, and story lore. Many untold stories and mysteries are yet to be revealed, and the same goes for the character with undiscovered history. One of them is Dainsleif.
Dainsleif is a mysterious character whom players encounter during an Archon Quest. But there needs to be more information about him in the game. The same goes for his powers, as he does not mention which element he uses. Let’s discuss all these unknown details about Dainsleif.
10 Things you didn’t know about Deinsleif

Narrator of Collected Miscellany: In the Collected Miscellany videos, Dainsleif is the person who narrates players with historical insights. Players will soon discover after meeting him in the quest. Also, he holds information about every vision user of Tevyat.
Citizen of Khaenri’ah: According to the Genshin Impact’s story lore, Khaenri’ah was destroyed by Heavenly Principles. And Dainsleif was there when his homeland was destroyed.
Loss of memory: Dainsleif doesn’t have memories of his past. He also needs to learn about the powers he has. He may have lost his memory, or maybe he is deliberately hiding them from others.
Information about Rex Lapis: Even after Zhongli’s deception about Rex Lapis’s death, Dainsleif can see through the act and knows the truth. He even hints to the Traveler by saying that Zhongli is behaving strangely.
Wisdom and Age: Dainsleif appears to be a very young man but is ancient. His in-depth knowledge of history hints that he is ancient or maybe older than the Archons.
Understands Albedo’s Secret: Albedo is a massive part of fan theories because the game has no clear answer. According to Dainsleif, Albedo is not human and can destroy the whole Mondstadt someday. Dainsleif knows these and will stop him if he goes out of hand.
Mentors the Traveler’s Sibling: During one of the quests of Genshin Impact, Dainsleif reveals that he once accompanied Traveler’s Sibling. But he says that it was a long time ago.
Not a Vision Holder: Dainsleif possesses no vision, which opens up many possibilities. According to players, he may introduce a new element in the game, like celestial or quantum.
Dislikes Adapti: Dainsleif doesn’t like the Adepti of Liyue because they are allied with Rex Lapis. And players know that he doesn’t like Rex Lapis and knows some secrets about him. But he respects Ganyu for her dedicated hard work.
Hates Abyss Order: Dainsleif deeply hates the Abyss Order and always fights against them. He chooses his mission related to the Order to uncover the mystery behind Khaenri’ah’s destruction and Traveler’s Sibling.
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Therefore, Dainsleif is known for his unique, undiscovered power and mysterious identity. He is clearly from a different time and can be older than all the Archons. People can only wait for more details about him officially from Genshin Impact.