Ever since Riot Games added Chamber, the aggressive Sentinel Agent, to Valorant two years ago in 2021, fans have eagerly awaited the introduction of another formidable Sentinel Agent to the game.
According to a tweet from ValorLeaks, a brand-new Agent named Deadlock will soon enter the pool of Valorant Agents. The next Agent is reported to be a sentinel and will appear in Episode 7 Act 1. Riot Games has not yet disclosed all of the powers of this character.
What can we expect from the upcoming Valorant agent?
Valorleaks, one of the most prominent Valorant miners and leakers has leaked the name of the agent and their role, that being Deadlock and a Sentinel at that in his twitter.
New Agent: Deadlock | #VALORANT
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) June 21, 2023
The agent is speculated by many to have a mechanical hand as seen in the following official picture:

This is not the first time, he has leaked an agent. Valorleaks has leaked a considerable amount of information on Gekko before his release and it’s possible, a similar situation will be taking place with Deadlock. Riot Games hasn’t yet confirmed any of the leaks and is yet to put out an official trailer that shows her off. However, they have been teasing us with reviews of pro players like Boaster and FNS playing the agent in one of their official videos.
Pros speculate the agent will adopt an aggressive playstyle by pushing into sites and possibly having a pet bear. This speculation gains support from a leaked teaser by Valorleaks, showing Sova approaching a snow-covered site.
Agent Teaser #1 | #VALORANT pic.twitter.com/0YjXhi5LEq
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) June 19, 2023
If indeed released with a powerful kit, Deadlock has the potential to make a significant impact on the Sentinel role. Riot Games has a history of introducing strong Agents in Valorant, only to later balance them in coming patches. If the upcoming valorant agent becomes too dominant, developers may make adjustments to maintain game balance and fairness.
Read More: When is Valorant Episode 7 Coming Out?
Riot Games plans to release three agents in 2023, emphasizing Sentinels and their increased impact on the game.