Minecraft 1.20 has introduced a ton of new items and blocks but those who are starting the game will still be needing iron to progress through the game. This article serves as a guide to players both new and old on where to find iron in this update.
Iron is the most common early-game mineral in Minecraft to farm for players to have a decent fighting chance against enemy mobs at night. Farming Iron will give better efficiency for crafting tools and using them to mine further minerals which are rare for example Gold. Iron is a must-have item for players who are looking forward to expanding their arsenal soon to even finishing the game.
Where to look for Iron in Minecraft 1.20?
According to official Minecraft changelogs – “Iron Ore Veins form below height -60 and -8 and are mixed with Tuff. Changed ore generation to match the new world height, and to add more strategy to mining. There is no longer a single height level that is best for all ores – you need to make tradeoffs! Iron Ore generates below height 72, with a strong bias towards height 16. Iron Ore also generates above 80, with more Iron Ore as you go higher.”
After update 1.18, the distribution of ores in Minecraft has changed. The game world now features a more common distribution of ores, removing the need for specific levels of generation. As a result, players can now encounter valuable resources like iron in a variety of locations, including caves and mountains, ensuring they don’t miss out on this essential material.

According to an official ore distribution image from Mojang, iron ore primarily spawns in mountainous regions in Minecraft 1.20. The image indicates that the most common range for iron ore generation is between Y levels 15 to 232. Additionally, large iron ore veins can be encountered at lower depths, specifically between Y-levels -8 to -64. This variation in iron ore distribution ensures that players have different opportunities to acquire this valuable resource throughout their adventures.
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Iron is indeed an abundant resource in Minecraft, making it easily accessible for both new and experienced players. With the right tools, such as pickaxes, players can efficiently mine iron. Players can also enchant their tools to increase iron yield, allowing them to gather more resources efficiently.